Slow Down with Ariel Christine

Slow Down with Ariel Christine

Slow Down With



Meet Ariel Christine, a sustainable living advocate, and photographer residing in Culver City, California. She shares her love of nature, finding moments in the now, and how she shows up authentically. Hear her thoughts on life, mindful living, and personal style.


The Glove


Where do you find your inspiration (drive, passion, etc.) in work and life?

Nature is my most significant source of inspiration. It’s constantly changing in ways that can be seen every day and in small micro changes that we don’t pick up on. As a result, there is a constant hidden rebirth. Whenever I feel stagnant or “stuck,” I can easily walk outside and find some small signs of newness: a hidden new bloom or the simple changing of a tree’s color.

What hobbies/interests/activities are a large part of your identity?

Spending time outdoors is the biggest part of my identity. I love walking my dog, going on hikes, and overall trying new things that can get me outside. I hold an immense appreciation for nature and the opportunity to travel and view all of its forms. The outdoors never fails to reconnect me to little Ariel. I feel such a sense of awe whenever I’m outside, and I think it’s very reminiscent of the awe I felt as a kid constantly discovering something new. That pushes me the most to live a more sustainable/slow lifestyle.

Slow Moments


Slow Moments


Slow Moments


The Glove


Where can we find you on the weekend?

Either hiking or snuggling up in my home with a cup of tea and my little family (cat, dog, and husband)! I consider myself a homebody, so staying home and filling my cup (with large amounts of earl grey tea) is one of my favorite weekend pastimes. Throw in an early morning hike and a breakfast burrito, and that’s my recipe for an amazing weekend!

What slow moments in life do you savor the most? 

Moments away from screens and when I find myself truly taken in by whatever activity I’m doing. Hiking, photography, practicing yoga, painting, working on a puzzle, laughing too loud with friends, playing a board game, and losing miserably to my husband - anything that places me in the now. I’m a big overthinker who spends a lot of time in my head, and I can exhaust myself with my thoughts, so anytime I’m out of my head is a treat and a time I savor!

What steps do you take to show up authentically in your work and relationships?

I wholeheartedly listen to the folks around me and take the time to ask more questions for clarification as needed. I also take time to regulate myself in more difficult spots. Showing up for others can be hard in all settings - romantic relationships, platonic, and work! Asking questions allows for more communication for everyone! Which can (hopefully) open up a space for more understanding.

Slow Moments


Slow Moments


Slow Moments


The Glove


What are you wearing when you feel the most like yourself?

Oh! I love this question, and it’s a hard one! I love a good vintage trouser and anything/everything in a neutral earth tone. Green is my favorite color, and I love the many shades it comes in, and it has been my favorite color for as long as I can remember. So whenever I wear green, I feel like “Ariel”. The formula would be high-wasted vintage trousers, a romantic blouse on top, a loafer or flat, and a small brown leather purse. Overall just wearing many different shades of brown or green!

What do you love about the ZX style you chose, and how has it filled gaps in your wardrobe or solved a styling rut you previously had?

I love how timeless the Glove Flats are! Also, you can’t go wrong with classic white shoes. They pair well with any color story, and the style is so versatile! I exclusively wore flats in high school and throughout my young adult years (as many of us did), so there is a special spot in my heart for a good flat. I’m so excited to pair them with everything - dresses, trousers, jeans, skirts… heck, even lounge pants, why not?!

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